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Black Death! Black Death!


Dream started with two men standing in a large, energy type plant. One of the men was wearing a black suit and the other was wearing a brownish colored suit. The man in the black suit took out a handgun and shot the man in the brown suit, then he went to a large room in the building containing a computer. He got on the computer and used it to release 8 large vats of a greenish, brown liquid into large pipes that run through some city. I have no idea what city it is.

The liquid went into streets, lakes and rivers. People got this acidic liquid on them and very rapidly the liquid would soak into their skin and would decay their flesh and turn their skin a grayish color. They would get very large sores. They would bleed out of the sores. After about 5 minutes they would be in a dead state and would be nothing but zombies. They would chase the people without the virus and either bite them or scratch them. When they bit their victums, they would spread the virus to others.

After about 30 minutes, the entire large city was taken over by the virus. Someone was yelling the words, "Black Death! Black Death!"