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Calling these prophetic words your own

Prophecy 58:
I am YAHUVEH and I anointed Elijah of Old as I have anointed MY Handmaiden who I call MY Elijah of New. You will be held responsible whether you are a blessing or a curse to her. I am anointing her to speak forth Prophetic messages that few would dare to speak in fear of ridicule, but those who dare to mock and deny this is 'I AM' speaking know this, you have stuck a finger in I, YAHUVEH's eye. Don't believe ME just wait and watch and see if what I have Prophesied comes to pass, then it will be too late, for those that curse and deny her now, woe unto those that dare to test I, YAHUVEH! 'I AM' knows you read the Prophetic messages to your congregations and lie and say, "YAHUVEH speaks it to you!" You have not paid the price for the anointing like she and others have and yet you dare to speak forth the words and not even invite her to come and speak them forth in the anointing I placed upon her and others when I spoke it to them under the anointing. You are no better then a thief and a liar.

Prophecy 69:
Think not they are rejecting you MY Daughter, for they are rejecting ME. For even the false prophets take these messages I give you and they study them and they copy them to make them look like the words that I speak to you are coming from them. Do not be amazed MY Daughter, for does not even the devil know that truth proceeds out of your mouth when it is I, YAHUVEH that puts the words in your mouth. The counterfeit raise up and the people are deceived, so they can take the words and twist them into that which I did not mean.

For the truth has been spoken forth from this ministry. That truth is what is going to save, for the truth comes in YAHUSHUA's NAME. For those of you who copy these prophecies and act as though it is I, YAHUVEH through your mouth that speaks, you shall have to pay the price for the anointing that she has paid, only I will increase it one hundred thousand fold. For you have stolen something and did not pay the price, as I told MY Handmaiden, the greater the anointing the greater the sacrifice.